Here you will find out a lot of information on joining us on our adventures. This is a lot of information to wade through.
The Refuge rulebook is officially out of beta! This version incorporates fixes for the rules and clarity issues that were discovered in the beta draft, as well as an update to the style and usability of the document.
You can download it HERE
Our next release is targeted sometime in the first quarter, and will include a thorough review by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, continued style and readability improvements, and pictures. We will also continue to be on the lookout for any rules issues that need clarifications from the Refuge Rules Committee.
If you find any issues with this version of the rulebook, whether they be rules concerns, unclear wording, or simply typos, please submit them using the following form: Rulebook Feedback
We’d also love to hear about what you’d like to see in the forthcoming 1.1 rules update, though we do remind you that that is planned for some distance in the future. Finally, if you have any photos you’d like to submit for possible inclusion in the rulebook, please use the feedback form, or contact your chapter owner.
Ask Questions! We cannot stress enough how important it is to ask us "stuff". There are several ways to go about doing so. Our FaceBook Group will help you with a lot of local things. Some things you can ask on our forums. As there are 10 Chapters in Refuge, someone on the New Player Forum is likely on and can answer your questions pretty quickly.
After you have glossed over the ARB, you need to start thinking of what you want to play. In Refuge we don't have a "snowflake rule". This basically means is you choose to be a specific species, you need to abide by all the racial requirements and restrictions. There are no "half-breeds" (as in Half-Elf or Half-Orc). The 2 chapters you need to really look at are species and Classes. They are the basics of your character. Skills would be the next section to read over.
You can switch classes in between games provided you have enough free Build Points to do so (again, please ask someone more about this as it gets a bit in depth and loses something in print).
You can completely re-work a character, but ONLY after your first ever event. Once you attend your second event, that character is now "locked" and can only be changed by in-game Rituals (powerful magic), lots of RP and gold!
When you start out you have the choices to make. Here are questions you must ask yourself:
Below you will be able to read a bit about the Species that can be played in Refuge. Full Written packets, with more details are available below each quick write up for download.
Cory is the Chapter Owner of Refuge Calgary and loves to build new characters with people. He asks a lot of questions to new players to help them start forming a concept, and then helps them to build towards that concept.
Here are a few 25 Build Point Suggestions (using a Human for your species):
Description:Typical "Come in Swinging"
One Handed Edged 5XP
Weapon Proficiency 9XP
Shield 6XP
Blacksmithing 3XP
This leaves 2 XP left over for later use.
Next Skills to Learn: Critical Attack x3, Resolute, Weapon Proficiency
This gives you the basic fighter and you are set up to start learning to deal more damage and absorb more punishment.
Description:Two Weapon Swashbuckler!
Florentine 4XP
Two Weapons 2XP
Fast Refit 2XP
Next Skills to Learn: Critical Attack x2 and Shatter/Disarm Strike
Although not protected by a shield, you can either block with your second weapon, or strike with it to deal out damage faster.
Florentine XP
Two Weapons 4XP
Back attack x2 6XP
Back Stab 3 XP
Next Skills to Learn:Surprising Strike, Educated (if going into Alchemy), thrown Weapon
This is a great beginning to a damage dealing rogue. Thrown weapons allow you to do your Back attack damage from any angle (but at a lower amount of damage).
One Handed Edged 5XP (Or Thrown Weapon and Small Weapon for 4XP)
Educated 6XP
Herbal Lore 3XP
Alchemy x3 9XP
Craftsman (ANY) 2XP
Next Skills to Learn:Back attack , Create Trap
This build allows you to start game throwing Alchemical Gasses! The Craftsman skill will add to how much Silver you make before game to help with the cost of producing Alchemy. Alchemy is "expensive" to use, but well worth the cost.
Description:Healing / Debuff Class
Educated 3XP
First Aid 2XP
Healing Arts 2XP
Staff 4XP
Spell Level 1 (4 slots) 4XP
Spell Level 2 (3 slots) 3XP
Spell Level 3 (2 Slots) 4XP
Spell Level 4 (1 slot) 2XP
This leaves 1 XP left over for later use.
Next Skills to Learn: Higher Spells, Channeling
Everyone loves a Healer! This class is in high demand and short supply. The Earth casters also have a lot of curses, commands, binding and protectives to help out themselves and the party.
Description:Damage Dealing Class
Read Magic 4XP
Next Skills to Learn: Higher Spell Slots, Create Scroll, Channeling
The damage dealing spell chuckers! They can do a lot of damage to the right monster! They are weak to begin with (as all mages are!) so having your staff to block monster hits is incredibly important.
"Now the one thing you will note is I have not given builds for the "Hybrid Classes" such as Spellsword and Adept. There is a reason for it. If you are a starting character, stick with one of the above basics. You can switch into a Spellsword, Adept or Scout later in the game. These above suggestions will really help you jump into the game without too many concerns about building up your character.
One of my best pieces of advise is this: Plan for the long term after your first game. Think about where you want to be when you are level 20 and then work back. It sounds daunting, but really it is not once you understand the skill system, which we will teach you." -Cory, Chapter Owner